Badass Gym Workout

It's all about keeping you safe so your body can create wildly! 

After years of struggling with aches and pains and being in and out of physio ALL the time, I decided to try something different!

Training that focused on building strength to support your active lifestyle!

Adaptable Home and Gym Workout Series

What's inside:

  • 3 circuit workout
  • Training videos
  • Tracking sheets
  • Private IG account for support

About Akeisha

Hi, Akeisha here! 

Movement Facilitator- Performer - Educator - Fascial Stretch Therapist - Choreographer - Producer !

Yup, just like the tree, the Acacia tree!

I grew up dancing just like many of you coming across this page! I studied heavily in Ballet and Modern techniques.

Fun fact, I totally thought I was going to be a dental hygienist, but life would have it a different way!

I graduated from Simon Fraser University School of Contemporary Arts, with my dance degree in 2014 and for 5 years co-directed WAREHAUS dance collective

Today, my movement practice is heavily influenced by Countertechnique, which often comes into my other creative and life practices, and especially the Resilient Dancer workouts to assist in powerful and easeful movement! 

Fitness came to me after years of suffering from injuries and overuse problems. In 2017, I suffered a foot injury that took me out of dance for almost 6 months. In 2018, after years of imbalance, fatigue and compensation I was forced to take another 3 months off dance to correct my body and build back the strength in order to function as a normal human being! 

As my strength got stronger,  I started to share my workouts on Instagram. Dancers started reaching out asking what I was doing and sharing how they started doing the workouts they saw in my stories. 

In August 2019 marked the birth of Resilient Dancer. It all started with a small group of dancers, with many still part of programs today. 

When I'm not dancing or coming up with the next Resilient Dancer workouts, I'm probably catching up on my TV faves (sucker for action and medical shows), making homemade cards and drinking far too much coffee!